Bharatiya Vidya
ncient Vedic wisdom undoubtedly is the earliest attempt to channalise human effort to organized behaviour governed by ethical, moral and spiritual values. The reli
gious pursuits in bygone days were through performance of Yagnas and sacrifices not excluding animal sacrifices. It is only during later centuries, during the development of the Upanishadic concepts that the practice of killing as a sacrifice became an abhorrent behaviour and was later given up.
However, it was Bhagwan Mahavira who pioneered the concept of comprehensive Ahimsa to the level where it encompassed all living beings from a diminutive insect to human beings and emphasized the fact that all beings are equal though different in form because behind every form was a soul. Bhagawan Mahavira's teachings take us to the sublime levels where form has no significance and brought in the concept of good and evil with consequent follow-up of rewards and punishment in Heaven or Hell.
During the period of Bhagawan Buddha similar concepts found echo in other parts of the world, while concepts of Jainism were largely confined to the Indian sub-continent. It was Mahatma Gandhi who raised ahimsa to global levels by adopting Ahimsa as the driving force to propel his quest for justice and political freedom and made the world feel incredulous by winning Freedom without shedding a drop of blood. He could succeed because he practiced Ahimsa in thought, word and deed and indeed it is this profound achievement of his that metamorphosised the man into a Mahatma, now rightly hailed as the Man of the Millennium.
The Bhavan's New York Centre deserves credit for having taken the initiative to organize the celebrations of the 2600th Birth Anniversary of Bhagwan Mahavir as the Year of Non-Violence and it is in fitness of things that an outstanding practicing Jain Scholar, Member of Parliament and Vice-Chairman of Bhavan International, Dr. L. M. Singhvi is participating in the event which enhances the value and adds brilliance to the proceedings.
I send my prayerful good wishes and greetings.
S. Ramakrishnan Executive Secretary & Director General
Jain Education International
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