Sita said, “I am ready to perform all the five types of ordeals. I shall enter a pit of fire, consume the grains of rice that have been enchanted, run my tongue over the blade of a sword, climb a weighing scale or drink molten lead. You are free to select the ordeal for me."
Everyone who was present there, including the sage Nārada protested, "O Rama ? What has happened to your prudence? Why are you asking a Mahasati to perform an ordeal, when her innocence is proven beyond doubt?" Being enraged Rāma replied, “O People! you have accused that Sita is a woman of no scruples. Your mudslinging, gossiping and accusations in Sita's case were so great that, though I knew whatever you said had no grain of truth in it, yet I was compelled to abandon her. Today you are proclaiming that she is innocent and tomorrow instigated by some miscreant, you might argue that she is guilty. I want your doubts to end once and for all, and the only way to do it is an ordeal."
Sitā enters the fire pit
Räma ordered his men to dig a pit that was three hundred cubits in length and breadth, and two fathoms in depth. It was dug on the outskirts of the city and filled with sandalwood. After an elaborate pujā, the sandalwood was lighted. Soon, the flames leapt up as if they were eager to embrace the skies. When Rama saw the effulgence, he became tense. Sita reached near the pit. She had bathed, and wore dazzling clothes and jewellery. Her serene countenance did not display a trace of fear. With folded hands she paid obeisance to the Panca Paramesthi and then said, "O Agni, O divine beings, the mighty kings and the people who are here to witness the ordeal hear, I Sita, the daughter of Janaka and consort of Rāma, proclaim that if I have, through my body, mind and speech, longed for any man besides my husband Rāma, while I was awake, asleep or dreaming, then O Agni! burn my body into ashes so that the people will tread on it, and if I am not guilty, turn this fierce fire into pleasant and soothing waters." Having said this, she fearlessly entered into the pit.
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