The king bowed the muni and came to his sons and said, “Oh my sons! That muni is your uncle. You are punished for harassing the saints. He will rearrange your bones only if you take vows of asceticism otherwise you will have to bear this pain.” Hearing this, both of them unwillingly accepted to follow asceticism. The muni rearranged their bones and they were initiated. The priest's son, being from a brahmin caste, hated the soiled clothes due to which he acquired karmas of being born in a lower caste. He also had the feelings that his benefactor Guru had initiated him forcefully which wasn't fair. This feelings brought him the karmas of durlabhbodhi due to which he wouldn't have faith in religion. The muni didn't confess for these feelings. The sin remained with him. Both of them reached the heaven by their good conduct. As the priests son had
a dislike for muddy clothes, he had to take birth in a chandal's tribe after completing the stay in heaven.
One mistress had the problem of miscarriages. She was immensely sad and deppressed. A butcher's lady asked the cause of her sorrow. She said that, “I have a gloomy experience of miscarriages due to which I am not able to give affection to any child” The butcher's lady said, “I frequently have pregnancies.” Hence, the mistress offered gold coins for exchanging her child for a dead one after birth. Their new borns were exchanged as per the agreement. The point to note here is that for a single mistake, the muni had his birth in a butcher's family.
Had the muni confessed for his misthought, he would have purified himself and taking birth
50...Confession : The Path to Self-liberation Jain Education International
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