Such evil thoughts arose in her mind deteriorating her sight. staden
Shilsannah immediately perceived her passions and thought "Oh no! I was under the service of a reputed and well known celibate lady and here there is blaze in water! Despise to this bewitchment! Should I burn into ash in this fire of bewitchment? No, No, I will go elsewhere and not stay here. I do not know, when shall the fire of her passions burn
satisfaction I want to know if you have served any other emperor then, let me know his name" He replied, “Sorry, I can't tell the name of that emperor as by taking his name you will have to leave the bite from your hand” The emperor said, “What rubbish are you talking? Is it possible that I will have to leave food from my hand just by hearing someone's name? Are you crazy or joking? I will order for food just now.' By saying this he ordered for food.
me into ashes. Before the fire of her passion's catch hold of me, better escape from here" thinking this he left the kingdom.
Shilsannah went to another emperor named Vicharsar. He applied for the post of ministry. After conducting various tests the king said, “After testing your intelligence, I am confident that you are eligible for the post of minister. But for further
After taking the food in hand he said Shilsannah to tell the name of king: No sooner did Shilsannah speak the name of Rukmini then a messenger arrived and informed him by saying that, “Oh Master! Come fast as enemies have attacked our kingdom and our troops are on the way to defeat, retreating against them. It is a matter of our survival and the situation is critical. Please come as soon as possible.” botos
Confession : The Path to Self-liberation...37
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