Having known the examples of Rukmini and others, O noble person! don't keep even a small bit of sin in your heart. There is no doubt that you'll become a great devotee.
O devout soul! Tell me about your sinful crime and under what circumstances you have committed them. Don't hesitate. You might have committed sins intentionally, by ignorance, forcefully, at religious places or hotels, during the day or at night, with attachment and enjoyment, or by reluctance and jealously, tell me all with innocence. If you don't have courage to say or have forgotten them then write down. Read it out after writing and write down again in details. Don't fear anything. It is said in religious treaties that
Sahasa annaen va bhien va pillien va Vasnenayaken va muden va ragadosehin ||1||| jum kinchi kayamkajjum ujjuyum bhanai tan taha aloeja mayamayavippamukko ||2||
Any unworthy or improper deed done suddenly, without awareness, fear, under pressure, trouble, jealousy, attachment and deciet should be disclosed and confessed innocently, without pride or illusion.
O soul! You were not afraid while committing sins then why are you afraid while confessing them? You didn't feel shame while commiting sins then why feel shame in confession? O soul! Disclosure, self criticism and confession improves the future births of a soul. What more, it lifts him upto omniscience. It takes him to ultimate peace and gratification.
18...Confession : The Path to Self-liberation Jain Education International
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