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little home to stay. By separating them I began to enjoy more & more. Now on one hand there was youth life & on the other hand there was power of money. I kept no limits in enjoying & committing the sins. Many women, who were victimized by poverty, were caught in the fires of my evil desires. Oh! I just became crazy. I considered such life as a heaven but I forgot that in return, I shall be thrown in the hell for uncountable years. Along with sexual desires, I also had wine & non-vegetarian food at Shere-e-Punjab hotel with government officers in order to gain tax benefits. Later, they made me crazy and addicted.
What should I tell about the story of my misfortune? My tongue has also enjoyed the taste of egg, omelet & chicken. Oh! what have I done? Killing living creature Oh! What : will happen to me? I have committed such wrong deeds that I will get place nowhere : but hell. I didn't realize that sins were taking their hold in my life. The person who sows cactus will only get thorns in return & never receive mangoes out of it. I also forgot this natural rule. I was trapped with physical & mental pain as well as many troubles. My strength & vigour was destroyed. I was ruined. Remembering this today, I feel frustrated. With the temptations of maintaining my youth & with a craze of touring, I compelled my wife to terminate pregnancy. My evil desires made her a cruel killer instead of being a kind mother. The virus of illness of my evil desires had began to infect the people around me. O Gurudev! What will happen to me?
Once, fortune favoured me & I got the
Jan Education International
TO... Confession: The Path to Self-liberation Personal & Private Use Only