Basket of Scriptures
चडव्विहस्स जं वा वि परिमाणं, 47 जिणा, श्रमणपज्जव - 49 ओहिणाणि - 50 समत्तसुयणाणिणो य वादी अणुत्तरगती 1य जत्तिया, जत्तिया सिद्धा, 52 पातोवगतो य जो जहि जत्तियाइं भत्ताइं छेयइत्ता 53अंतगडो मुणिवरुत्तमो, “तमरतोघविप्पमुक्का सिद्धिपहमणुत्तरं च पत्ता, एते अन्ने य SS एवमादी भावा "पढमाणुओगे कहिया आघविज्नंति पण्णविज्जंति परूविज्जंति [57 दंसिज्जंति निदंसिज्जंति उवदंसिज्जंति ] | " से तं मूलपढमाणुओगे ।
What is this anuyoga ? Anuyoga is expounded as two-fold, namely: 1. mūlaprathamānuyoga and 2. gandikānuyoga. What is this mūlaprathamānuyoga? Herein, Venerable Seers' rebirths, manifestations in heaven, lifespan [in state of god], descending [from heaven ], births and anointing, excellent kinghood, palanquins, renunciation, penances, alms, attaining omniscience, founding of Order, firmness of the joints, configuration, height, life-span (as human being), division of colours, disciples, groups (gana), direct-disciples, nuns, head of nuns, four-fold order and its whatever expansion, omniscients, telepaths, clairvoyants, cognizants of Right scripture and debater, monks manifested in excellent abodes (anuttara vimana), liberated ones, resorting to pure religious death and places as well as periods of fasting, [observing which] excellent ascetics, ending the life and death, free from the heap of dust like darkness of ignorance and attained excellent path of salvation, these, other and similar essences have been described, instructed, depicted, expounded, demonstrated with example and preached. This is mulaprathamānuyoga ?
47. जिणमण' मु० नन्दीसूत्रे च ॥
48. 'पज्जय' जे० ला १ ॥
49. तोहि खं० जे० हे १ ला १, २ ॥
50. “सम्मत्त' हे २ मु०। “समत्तसुयणाणिणो ” - नन्दीसूत्रे सू० १११ ॥
51. यं नास्ति जे० ॥
52. पाओवगया य जे मु० । दृश्यतां पृ० ४४२ पं० ६ ॥
53. गडा मुणिवरुत्तमा मु० ॥
54. मुक्का य सि' हे १ ला २। दृश्यतां पृ० ४४२ पं० ७ टि० ७ ।।
55. 'माझ्या भावा मु० ॥
56. मूलपढमा' सं० २ मु० ॥
57., 62. दृश्यतां पृ० ४३४ पं० १८, पृ० ४३५ पं० १ ।।
58. से तं खं० हे १ ला १, २ ॥
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