29[1] एगूणतीसतिविहे पावसुतपसंगे पण्णत्ते, तंजहा-भोमे, उप्पाए, सुमिणे, अंतलिक्खे, अंगे, सरे, वंजणे, लक्खणे। भोमे तिविहे पण्णत्ते, तंजहा-'सुत्तं, वित्ती, वत्तिए। एवं एक्कक्कं तिविह। विकहाणुयोगे, विज्जाणुजोगे, मंताणुजोगे, जोगाणुजोगे, अण्णतित्थियपवत्ताणुजोगे।
The instances of heretic scripture or various evil sciences (pāpaśruta) are expounded as twenty-nine fold, namely: (i) [treatises] on the science of forecasting earthquakes etc. (bhauma), (ii) dealing with unusual phenomenon in nature partending calamities (utpāta), (iii) forecasting by means of dreams (svapna), (iv) on the science dealing with the good or bad effects of heavenly phenomenon in the planetary system (antariksa), (v) on the science of divining the results good or bad from the throbbing of limbs (anga), (vi) on the science of omens based on sounds of birds (svara), (vii) on the science of omens based on sounds of birds (vyañjana), (viii) on the science of omens (lakṣaṇa), (ix) [treatises] on the science of forecasting earthquakes etc., (bhauma) are expounded as three-fold: aphorism (sūtra) [heretic treatises containing 1000 words], commentary (vrtti) [of heretic treatises containing one lac words] [and] commentary (várttika) (of heretic treatises containing one crore or one million words]. Thus, each of these three species [of above-mentioned eight scriptures make the aggregate twenty-four], (xxv) on the women, cooking, economics, erotic etc. (vikathānuyoga), (xxvi) on the learning (vidyānuyoga), (xxvii) on the science of magic or spell (mantrānuyoga), (xxviii) on the art of fascination etc. (yogānuyoga) and (xxix) composed by heretics (anyatirthika pravrttānuyoga).
आसाढे णं मासे 'एगूणतीसं रातिंदियाइं रातिंदियग्गेणं पण्णत्ते। भद्दवते णं मासे [एगूणतीसं रातिंदियाइं रातिदियग्गेणं पण्णत्ते ।
1. खं० विना-सुत्त जे०। सुत्ते खं०.जे० विना॥ 2. "णुओगे जे० विना। णुजोगे मु०॥ 3. "त्ययपवत्तणाणुजोगे जे०। "त्थिय' इत्यत आरभ्य महामोहं पृ० ३८३ पं० १२ इत्येतत्पर्यन्तं त्रीणि पत्राणि खं० मध्ये न सन्ति। “अन्यतीर्थिकप्रवृत्तानुयोगः"- अटी०॥ 4. 'तीसारातिं जे०। तीसराइंमु०। तीसिं रातिं हे १ ला २। "एकोनत्रिशद् रात्रिंदिवानि रात्रिदिवसपरिमाणेन भवन्ति "-अटी०॥
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