Neglect of Man Modern Economics is concerned primarily with earning profits in utter disregard of man's basic nature. Anything which does not yield profit is useless from the point of view of modern Economics. Market is supreme, the product has no value unless it is marketed. Man's basic nature has been completely overshadowed. In vrati (dedicated) society, man's nature is of prime importance. Obviously, there is a distinct divergence between these two points of view.
Contribution of Economics To maintain that Modern Economics has not given any solution to the problem would also be a one-sided view. The one who understands Mahavira does not have one-sided point of view. There is no doubt that some concepts of modern Economics have helped solve a few problems and have given some relief to the poor. But it has, at the same time, created more problems. If we think objectively, then there will be no difficulty in maintaining that modern economic concepts have encouraged violence.
Economics of Non-Violence Respected Gurudev was once sitting in the courtyard of Jain Vishwa Bharti. The Vice-Chancellor of Ajmer University, Dr. Ahuja, who was herself an economist, arrived there. In the course of discussion, she was told that we wanted economics of non-violence. She wondered, however, “which economics would that be”. Economics is born out of violence. Wherefrom will it derive non-violence?
Let us then understand that the Economics which is limited to eradicating poverty is not good for us. For us that Economics is valuable which, while eradicating poverty, does not increase violence. A synthesis of material prosperity and promotion of non-violence is essential today. This kind of synthesis is present in ample measure in the concept of the vrati (dedicated) society propounded by Mahavira. It is only through the harmonisation of such principles that the needed synthesis can be achieved.
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