of morality is an obstruction in our path, then why rue over corruption. In the context of the present economic change, if corruption increases, economic offences multiply, dishonesty grows and moral standards erode, it is only natural. Where is the scope for surprise? On the other hand, it would indeed be surprising if corruption were not to expand.
Basic Elements of Modern Economics In total context, let us examine some of the approaches of Modern Economics and the Economics of the age of Bhagwan Mahavira. The three foundations of Modern Economics are:
Desires Needs Demands
Multiply desires, increase needs and expand demands. From a comparative point of view, the spread of desires is extensive. The spread of needs is smaller and the spread of demands is even smaller. The structure of Modern Economics is founded on these three.
Economics of Mahavira If we think about the elements of Mahavira's Economics, then we should add four elements to those of Modern Economics:
• Means of convenience • Physical desire (attachment or stupor) • Enjoyment of luxury
Fame (or ego)
All efforts by individuals are not made only for the satisfaction of desires or for luxurious living. An objective of economic development which man attains is of securing means of convenience or comfort. Man needs basic facilities. That is why he earns money and accumulates wealth. The second element is attachment. Neither are comforts sufficient nor are the needs.
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