Mahavira and Economics
The series of exposition on the Economics of Mahavira were made under the august presence of revered Gurudev Shri Tulsi. Each exposition was wound up with an inspiring address of the founder of the movement. His avocation always carried a new thought. The present chapter is a collection of the significant thoughts of Gurudeu.
If what is being told today was told fifty years ago, people would not have been prepared to accept it. Today, people have got so much overtaken by problems that there is no peace anywhere. They are searching for ways to attain it. A poet has said:
· Neekee pe feekee lage, bina samaya ki baat,
Jaise yoddha Yudha mein, nahi singar suhat. (A. thought devoid of context fails to make an impact, as the decoration of warrior is misplaced on the battlefront.)
Our today's talk is timely and, therefore, it would be liked by everyone.
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