Influence of Economics on Ethics As Ethics impacts Economics, Economics also deeply impacts Ethics. Economic conditions deeply influence the character, conduct and morals of man. Man's conduct is determined by the way he earns his livelihood. There is thus a close relationship between Economics and Ethics.
Mahavira said: The person who does not quantify his needs (and thus limits them) earns his livelihood irreligiously, and the one who does, earns his livelihood religiously. Economic conditions determine earning the livelihood religiously or irreligiously only superficially, but it is imperative that its methods should be harmonised with detachment and religious faith.
Implications of Limiting Needs In short, the conclusions of limiting needs may be summed up as follows:
1. The ideal is neither poverty nor affluence. 2. Money is a means for fulfilment of needs and not an end. 3. Conscious efforts should be made for earning money for the
satisfaction of one's needs but they should not be such as
impinge the rights of others. 4. The limits of resources for the satisfaction of needs, comforts
and conveniences of life should be determined. 5. Infusing the principle of usage in wealth, developing the
principle of detachment in the accumulation of wealth should
be practised. 6. While accepting the value of money as a means to satisfy
needs, its insignificance from the point of view of spiritual
development should be considered. 7. The capacity to abnegate or renounce should be developed.
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