Mluminator of Jaina Penets
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In the Buddhisti tradition it is recognised that humans can be born of egg and of moisture, and also in a spontaneous accomplished form.
In the Brāhmaṇicala tradition also, human beings are believed to be produced otherwise than jarayuja (born with placenta) by the power of merit (dharma) as in the case of Droņa, Kępa, Kspi, Dhrstadyumna etc. १८. सचित्ता'ऽचित्त-शीतोष्ण-संवत'-विवृतास्तन्मिश्राश्च योनयः ।
ufa:-JETfETFATTH, afast:-Afif FT: gatont: aa
faqat! 18. sacitta%'citta-sito^şa-samvrtab-vivstās® tanmiśraś ca yonayaḥ.
yoniḥ-utpattisthānam; tanmiśrāḥ—sacittācittāḥ, śitoşņāḥ sarvstavivstāḥ.
(Aph.) The birth-places can be animates or inanimate, cold' or hot, covered or uncovered as well as endowed with plausible combinations. (XVIII)
(Gloss). Birth-place means the place of origination. Plausible combination' means combination of animate and inanimate, cold and hot, covered and uncovered.
producing two identical daughter'-cells, which, then, separate to live as two new individuals-Mind Alive, vol. IV, p. 889.
It should be noted here that some higher species (also) use asexual reproduction. As the phrase implies, this form of reproduction is achieved without the sexual paraphernalia of 'sperms' and 'eggs'. Asexual reproduction is the ability of an individual to produce offsprings without the fusion of sperms and eggs. A potato plant is a good example.
"Asexual reproduction is a common feature from the top to the bottom of the plant kingdom, although astonishing variety of methods is used."-Ibid, p. 904. "Asexual reproduction is a good deal less common among members of
animal kingdom than it is among plants."-Ibid, p. 904 1 Abhidharmakośa, III/9
Yuktidīpikä on Samkhya-karikā, 39. (Origin and Development of the Samkhya
System of Thought, p. 281). ३ जीवच्छरीरम् 3 jivacchariram (living body). ४ शीतस्पर्शवत् 4 Šītasparśavat (possessed of cold touch). ५ दिव्यशय्यादिवत् 5 divyaśayyādivat (like a divine bed and the like). ६ जलाशयादिवत् 6. jalāśayādivat (like a lake and the like).
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