Sūtras 45-47 |
Soul 45. audayikapāriņāmikäv api.
udīraņākarañena svabhāvarūpeņa vā'șțānām api karmaņām anubhavāvasthā udayaḥ. tena nirvṛtto bhāva audayikaḥ. svasvabhāve pariņamanaṁ pariņāmaḥ. tena nirvșttaḥ sa eva vā bhāvaḥ pāriņāmikaḥ.
(Aph.) Also those produced on account of fruition (of karmans) and the intrinsic change (constitute the nature of the soul). (XLV)
(Gloss) Udaya (that is rising) means the state of rising and being experienced of all the eight karmans through special effort (udiraņā) or normally in their proper time. The state of karman which is produced in this way is called audayika. Parināma means transformation in its own nature. The consequential state of soul or the transformation itself is pāriņāmika-bhāva. ४६. मोहकर्मणो वेद्याभाव उपशमः।
उदयप्राप्तस्य मोहकर्मणः क्षयः शेषस्य च सर्वथा अनुदय उपशमः । स
चान्तर्मुहुर्तावधिकः । तेन निष्पन्नो भाव औपशमिकः । 46. mohakarmano vedyābhāva upašamaḥ.
udayaprāptasya mohakarmaṇaḥ kṣayaḥ śeşasya ca sarvathā anudaya upasamaḥ, sa cāntarmuhūrtāvadhikah. tena nişpanno bhāva aupaśamikah.
(Aph.) Upašama (subsidence) means the absence of realization of the deluding karman. (XLVI)
(Gloss) Subsidence means the cessation of the deluding karman that was due to arise and is the total non-rising of others. : The duration of this (subsidence) is less than a muhūrta (48 minutes).
* The state consequent upon this is called aupaśamika (related to subsidence). YU. FARHAATET: 877: 1 ... ज्ञानावरणाद्यष्टानामपि कर्मणां सर्वथा प्रणाश:-क्षयः । तेन नित्तो
#19: f17:1 47. nirmūlanāśaḥ kṣayah.
jñānāvaraņādyaşțānām api karmaṇām sarvathā praņāśaḥ, kşayaḥ. tena nirvștto bhāvab-kşāyikah.
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