Sutra 351 Substance, Quality, Modes
19 ३५. कालः समयक्षेत्रवर्ती। १ व्यावहारिककालो हि सूर्याचन्द्रमसोगंतिसम्बन्धी । सूर्यचन्द्राश्च मेरुं प्रदक्षिणीकृत्य समयक्षेत्रमेवं नित्यं प्रमन्ति । ततोऽग्रे च सन्तोऽपि अवस्थिता, तस्मात् समयक्षेत्रवर्ती कालः।
जम्बूद्वीपे द्वो दो सूर्याचन्द्रमसो । लवणसमुद्रे चत्वारः। धातकीखण्डे द्वादश । कालोदधौ वाचत्वारिंशत् । मधंपुष्करद्वीपे द्विसप्ततिः । सर्वे मिलिता द्वात्रिंशदुत्तरशतं सूर्याश्चन्द्राश्च । धातकीखण्डात् सूर्याश्चन्द्राश्च त्रिगुणिता: पूर्ववर्तिभिश्च योजिता मग्रिमस्य संख्यां सूचयन्ति । एषा पद्धतिः स्वयंभूरमणान्तं प्रयोज्या।
जम्बूधातकीखण्डार्धपुष्कराः समयक्षेत्रमसंख्यद्वीपसमुद्रेषु । सर्वाभ्यन्तरो मेरुनाभिर्वृत्तो योजनलक्षविष्कम्भो जम्बूद्वीप: । तत्र भरतहमवतहरिविदेहरम्यकहरण्यवत रावतवर्षाः सप्तक्षेत्राणि । तद्विभाजिनश्च पूर्वापरायता हिमवन्महाहिमवनिषधनीलरुक्मिशिखरिण: षड्वर्षधरपर्वताः । बातकीखण्डे वर्षादयो द्विगुणाः । तावन्त: पुष्करार्धे ।
भरतरावतविदेहाः कर्मभूमय: । - शेषा देवोत्तरकुरवश्चाकर्मभूमयः ।
The relative time relates to the motion of the sun and the mnon. The suns and the moons always revolve round the Mt. Meru in the samayaksetra. Beyond that, though existent, they are stationary. And, therefore, time exists only in the samayaksetra. .
There are two suns and two moons in the Jambūdvīpa. There are four suns (and four moons) in the Lavanasamudra. In the Dhātakīkhanda there are twelve suns (and twelve moons). In the Kalodadhi, the number of the suns is fortytwo (and that of the moons is also fortytwo). In the Ardha-puşkara island there are seventytwo suns (and seventytwo moons). In all, there are thus one hundred thirtytwo suns and the same number of moons. In the region that lies beyond the Dhātakīkhanda, the number (of suns and moons) is equal to three times the suns and the moons of the Dhātakīkhanda plus their number in the preceding regions. This process is to be followed upto the region called Svayambhūramaņa.
Among the innumerable continents and oceans, Jambū, Dhātakikhanda and the half of the Puskara constitute the samayaksetra (time-region).
Jambūdvipa is the innermost (of the continents) and has the Meru at its centre. It is circular in shape and has a diameter of one lac yojanas.
Therein exist the seven regions, viz. Bharata, Haimavata, Hari, Videha, Ramyaka, Hairanyavata and Airāvata. .
There are six varsadharas (upholding the varsas or the seven regions)-mountains running lengthwise from east to west and demarcating them (viz., the seven regions). They are styled Himavat, Mahahimavat, Nisadha, Nila, Rukmi and Sikharin.
___In (the second continent, viz.) Dhātakikhanda, the varsas etc. are twice (than those of Jambūdvīpa).
In Puşkarārdha (half Puşkara) there is the same number (of regions and mountains as in the Dhātakīkhanda).
Bharata, Airāvata and Videha are the karmabhūmis, (that is, the regions where life is sustained by agriculture, trade and socio-economic security organization).
The rest including Devakuru and Uttarakuru are akarmabhūmis,
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