Sūtras 23-24 ]
Substance, Quality, Modes
the criterion of reality, viz. origination (ut pāda), cessation (vyaya) and persistence (dhrauvya). Regarded as a continuum (santati), it admits of parts, but is not regarded as an astikāya because of the impossibility of coexistence of these parts. Now the minutest part of time as the mathematical instant exists as the present. The past and future are conceptual aggregates of an infinite number of instants intercepted by the present instant. Time viewed as one instant is numerically different from the other instants. But viewed as a continuum, it is one consisting of an infinite number of discrete instants. As each instant is called time, the totality of instants may be viewed as one entity.
२३. वर्तना-परिणाम-क्रिया-परत्वापरत्वादिभिर्लक्ष्यः।
वर्तमानत्वम्-वर्तना। पदार्थानां नानापर्यायेषु परिणतिः–परिणामः । क्रिया चंक्रमणादिः। प्राग्भावित्वम्-परत्वम्। पश्चाद्भावित्वम् -
अपरत्वम् । 23. vartana-pariņāma-kriyā-paratvāparatrādibhir lakşyah.
vartamānatvam-vartanā. padārthānām nānāparyāyeşu pariņatiḥpariņāmaḥ. kriyā--camkramaņādiḥ. prāgbhavitām--paraivam. paścādbhāvitvam_aparatvam.
(Aph.) It (viz. time) is to be inferred from duration, change, action, priority and posteriority. (XXIII)
(Gloss) Duration means existence. Change means transformation of things into various modes. Action means movement, and the like. Priority means antecedence. Posteriority means succession. २४. प्राद्यत्रीणि एकद्रव्याणि अगतिकानि ।
___ अाकाशपर्यन्तानि त्रीणि एकद्रव्याणि-एकव्यक्तिकानि, अगतिकानि
गतिक्रियाशून्यानि। 24. ādyatrīņi ekadravyāņi agatikāni.
ākāśa paryantāni triņi ekadravyāņi-ekavyaktikāni, agatikānigatikriyāsūnyani.
(Apb.) Each of the first three substances is a single entity and devoid of motion. (XXIV) .. (Gloss) The three, i.e., upto ākāśa are (each) single entity, forming a homogeneous continuum, that is, each is a numerical identity. “Devoid of motion" means "devoid of the act of movement."
(Note) The entire space continuum is a single entity. It means that the connotation of it does not subsist in any other individual numerically different from it. So with regard to the rest, viz. dharma and adharma. Dharma is one substance because there is no other substance which possesses the attribute connoted by the former, and similarly the adharma.
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