Sutras 19-20]
Substance, Quality, Modes
evam tripradesi, dasapradesi, samkhyeyapradesi, asamkhyeyapradesi, anantapradesi ca.
(Aph.) A skandha or an aggregated compound consists in the integration of these (viz. atoms). (XVIII)
(Gloss) An aggregated compound is the integrated conglomeration of these atoms of any number beginning from two upto infinity. For instance, the conglomeration of two atoms gives rise to a compound of two pradesas (atomic points). In the same way, we can get the compounds of three or ten or countable or uncountable or infinite number of atoms. १६. तद्भेदसंघाताभ्यामपि ।
__ स्कन्धस्य भेदतः संघाततोऽपि स्कन्धो भवति, यथा-भिद्यमाना शिला, संहन्यमानास्तन्तवश्च । .
अविभागिन्यस्तिकायेऽपि स्कन्धशब्दो व्यवह्रियते, यथा-धर्माधर्माकाशजीवास्तिकायाः स्कन्धाः । 19. tadbhedasamghātābhyām api
skandhasya bhedataḥ samghātato'pi skandho bhavati, yathā - bhidyamānā silā, samhanyamānās tantavaś ca. avibhaginy astikaye'pi skandhasabdo vyavahriyate, yathā-dharmādharmākāśajivāstikāyāḥ skandhāḥ.
(Aph.) An aggregate can be produced) also by the disintegration and redintegration of it (viz. another aggregate). (XIX)
(Gloss) A skandha (aggregate) can also be produced by the disintegration and the redintegration of another compound, for instance, à slab of stone broken (into pieces) and the yarns redintegrated (into a textile). The term skandha (aggregate) is applicable also to the indivisible astikāyas (homogeneous continuums). For instance, the astikājas, iiz. dharma, adharma, ākāśa and jīva are called skandhas (of course metaphorically).
A lesser compound can be created by the disintegration of a bigger compound, and conversely a bigger compound may be made by the coalescence and redintegration of smaller compounds.
२०. स्निग्धरूक्षत्वादजघन्यगुणानाम् 1 ।
अजघन्यगुणानाम् - द्विगुणादिस्निग्धरूक्षाणां परमाणूनां तद्विषमैः समैर्वा द्विगुणादिस्निग्धरूक्षैः परमाणुभिःसमं स्निग्धरूक्षत्वाद्ध तोरेकीभावो १ अविभागी प्रतिच्छेदः, अविभाज्योंऽशः गुणः ।
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