Sutras 9-131
Substance, Quality, Modes
9. jīvapudgalayor vividh asamyogaiḥ sa vividharūpah.
iyam vividharūpataiva sșșțir iti kathyate.
(Apb.) Loka is multiform on account of the multiformity of the relationship between the sentient beings and matter. (IX)
(Gloss) This multifoldness itself is called creation.
(Note) Here the word "creation" is used without its implication of "creation".
po. HTT192910ga: 1 10. samyogaś capaścānupūrvikaḥ.
(Aph.) This multiformity is devoid of priority and posteriority.
88. 8-3771TITUE-Edo falaet: 1
390€:-FETT-975: -47-3regalafT:Barat: 1 11. karma-śarīropagraha:rüp, na trividhaḥ.
(Aph.) The relationship is three-fold, viz. (1) karma, action, (2) body, (3) the auxiliary powers. (XI)
(Gloss) Upagraha means auxiliary powers, viz. aliment, speech, mind and respiratory system.
१२. चतुर्धा तत्स्थितिः।
___ यथा अाकाशप्रतिष्ठितो वायुः, वायुप्रतिष्ठित उदधिः, उदधिप्रतिष्ठिता
पृथिवी, पृथिवी प्रतिष्ठितास्त्रसस्थावरा जीवाः। 12. caturdhā tatsthirih.
yathā ākāśapratișțhito vāyuḥ, vāyupratișthita udadhiḥ, udadhipratișthitā prthivi, prthivipratisthitās trasasthāvarā jīvāḥ.
(Aph.) In respect of structure, it (loka) consists of fourfold layers. (XII).
(Gloss) Thus space sustains gas, gas sustains water, water sustains earth, and earth sustains sentient beings, mobile and immobile.
१३. शेषद्रव्यशून्यमाकाशमलोकः । 13. seșadravyaśünyam ākāśam alokaḥ.
(Aph ) Owing to the absence of the dharmāstikāya and the rest, the pure empty space is called aloka (supra-cosmos), (XIII)
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