Sūtras 6-7 ]
Substance, Quality, Modes
(Aph.) Adharma is the auxi.iary cause of rest. (V)
(Gloss) An aggregate called adharma is the substance which relic'ers direct assistance, without however exercising any activity, to the repose of the sentient beings and matter, when they have developed the tendency to come to a halt, as the shadow (of a tree) is in regard to the halt of a traveller. The existence of dharma and adharma has to be admitted inasmuch as the movement and repose of both sentient beings and matter would otherwise become impossible of explanation; and also because the postulation of air and the like as the helping condition (of movement and rest) would make regressus ad infinitum inevitable. And it is because of the absence of these two substances in the supra-cosmic space that the existence of sentient beings and of matter is not possible there.
(Note) Dharma is the ultimate principle which makes movement possible though by itself it is unmoved. In other words it is the unmoved mover' o things. Adharma also is equally an unmoved entity.
६. अवगाहलक्षण प्राकाशः।
अवगाहः- अवकाशः, पाश्रयः । स एव लक्षणं यस्य स आकाशास्तिकायः । दिगप्याकाशविशेषो न तु द्रव्यान्तरम् । 6. avagāhalakşaņa ākāśaḥ.
avagāhaḥ-avakāśaḥ āśrayaḥsa eva laksaņam yasya sa ākāśāstikāyaḥ. dig apy ākāśaviśeso na tu dravyāntaram.
(Aph.) Ākāśa (space) is a substance, the distinguishing characteristic of which is the act of accommodation. (VI)
(Gloss) Accommodation is the act of affording) location or receptacle, and it is this alone which is the distinguishing characteristic of the aggregate called' ākāśa Directions (points of compass) are but specific determinations of space and do not constitute a different substance. . .
(Note) All the five substances, dharma etc., exist and have accommodation in cosmic space. Space (äkāśa) however is not contained in anything, but is selfsubsistent. It has been conceived as containing six substances because it is the locus of all the five substances and also of itself. Space is locus of itself from the conceptual standpoint but of others in the literal sense of the term. Dharma and adharma, although they exist in the entire extent of cosmic space, are not independent of their locus. It is space which is the ultimate locus of everyihing.
19. #istingai 7. loko'lokaś ca
(A ph.) It is again (of two kinds viz.) - loka (cosmic) and aloka (supra-cosmic). (VII)
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