198 Illuminator of Jaina Tenets
Lustre State denotes the states like the rising, subsidence, etc. Being more or less means the inferiority or superiority in number.
इति प्रमाणनयनिक्षेपस्वरूपनिर्णयः।
iti pramāņa-naya nikșepasvarüpanirnayah. Thus ends the lustre called the “Ascertainment of the Nature of Valid Cognition, Ways of Approach and Transferred Epithet”
प्रकाशैर्दशभिः स्पष्टैः, मिथ्याध्वान्तप्रणाशिभिः । तत्त्वज्योतिर्मयी जीयाज्जैनसिद्धान्तदोपिका ॥ prakāśair daśabhiḥ spașțaiḥ, mithyādhvāntapraņāśibhiḥ / tattva-jyotirmayi jīyāj Jaina-siddhānta-dipikā //
The Jaina-siddhānta-dipik ā (Illuminator of the Tenets of Jainism) which is full of the light of the truth may live long with its ten lucid lustres which destroy the darkness of perverted belief.
which is full of the light of the t
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