Iluminator of Jaina Tenets
| Lusture IV
1. jñānāvaraṇasya pañca, darśanāvaraṇasya nava, vedaniyasya dve, "......mohaniyasya darsanacaritrabhedad astavimsatih, ayusas catasrah,
namnodvicatvarimsat, gotrasya dve, antarayasya ca pafica. sarva militāḥ saptanavatiḥ.
(Aph.) The specific nature of the groups of karmic matter acquired wholesale (by the soul) constitutes the type (of bondage). (VIII)
(Gloss) Among the karmans that are acquired wholesale, the specific nature (of the different classes of karmic matter) such as "this is obscurant of knowledge," "this of intuition" and the like makes up (i.e is the basis of its classification under varying) types.
The knowledge-obsurant and the like are the eight fundamental types. . Their subtypes are as follows : - The knowledge-obscurant has five (subtypes). The intuition-obscurant has nine (subtypos). The feeling-producing has two (subtypes). The two subdivisions, viz. faith-deluding and conduct-deluding of the .deluding karman have (in total) twenty-eight (subtypes). The life-spandetermining karman has four (subtypes). The body-determining karman has forty-two (subtypes). The family-determining' has two. (subtypes). The hindrance-producing karman has five (subtypes). In total, there are ninety-seven subtypes.
(Note) The different subtypes are enumerated in the Pannavaņā, XXIII and Tattvārthādhigama-Sutra, Chapter VIII.
कालावधारणं स्थितिः। यथा ज्ञानदर्शनावरणवेदनीयान्तरायाणां त्रिंशत्कोटिकोटिसागरोपमाणि
परा स्थितिः । मोहनीयस्य' सप्ततिः । नामगोत्रयोविंशतिः। त्रयस्त्रिशत्, सागरोपमाणि आयुषः ।
अपरा-द्वादशमुहूर्ता' वेदनीयस्य। नामगोत्रयोरष्टौ। शेषाणां
चान्तर्मुहूर्तम् । ... एकसागरकोटिकोटिस्थितिमनु वर्षशतं अबाधाकालः'। 9. kalavadhāranam sthitih.
yathā jñāna-darśanāvaraņa-vedanīyāntarāyāņām trimśatkoţikoți१ दर्शनमोहनीयापेक्षया चारित्रमोहनीयस्य तु चत्वारिंशत् कोटिकोटिसागरोपमाणि • स्थितिः। २ संपरायसातवेदनीयमाश्रित्य । ३. आयुषोऽपवादः।
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