and the highest regards paid to all forms of life by the Jains will be of immense importance. In fact, only Jain religion acknowledges that Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Vegetation, all have enough in-built intelligence to self-perpetuate and thus are treated as bios. This concept of life-form is unique to Jains and is found neither in religious nor in scientific spheres. Jains believe that all souls are equal and thus one does not have a right to destroy another. This extreme definition of compassion can help preserve the environment. The lessons of shunning violence have universal appeal.
Concluding, the challenges faced by today's world can be resolved to a great extent if science and religion maintain a close rapport. It is necessary to understand that the two are not conflicting but are complementary. A balanced growth can be achieved if to the three pillars of physics, engineering and technology, a fourth pillar of religion is added. This co-operation has even started in several ways. This book is one such attempt to bring the religion closer to the science. Simultaneously, science is also required to give importance to human values and ethics so that it can serve the society at large. Close proximity of religion, society and science will usher a dawn of new culture.
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