ailments could be life threatening. In fact, coronary heart disease is the single largest killer in the developed countries. Coronary heart disease or coronary artery disease or heart attack is caused due to restrictions in heart's own blood vessels. Symptom of such a condition is often called angina in which the sharp pain is felt in the chest. Narrowing of coronary heart vessels is caused due to the slow deposition of cholesterol, calcium or plaque inside the walls of the artery. A few main reasons for such a blockage are
i. hereditary ii. diabetes iii. high blood pressure iv. smoking and dietary habits
Blockages result in heart attack/failure
Medical experts have tried to prevent this avoidable condition by advising minimum intake of oily and fatty foods alongwith balanced diet and physical exercises. They have also pioneered anti-smoking campaigns. At the same time, spiritual leaders like Mahapragya have brought forward the efficacy of yoga and meditation practices in containing the symptoms. Two major studies on heart patients have further substantiated that the experiments of Pranayam, Kayotsrg, Preksha and sound reverberations can alleviate the symptoms of angina.
One set of experiments was conducted by Dr. S. C. Manchanda of All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Delhi. His expertise as heart specialist has yielded encouraging results in, firstly, preventing the onset of heart disease in vulnerable group of people and secondly, containing the seriousness in already affected
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