muscles become so rigid that the near-sightedness starts reducing. Reduced night vision and cataract inevitably follow after sixty years of age. Other body capacities like the taste also suffer bevond fifty years. Smell is the next victim, attacked at around sixty. Digestive juices almost reduce to half by that age due to reduced production of pepsin and tripsin.
Can this decay be slowed down, stopped or reversed? A million-million dollar question! Most of the scientific activities in the fields of micro and nano biology are concentrated in this direction. Slowing Down the Ageing process
To live a disciplined, healthy and stress-free life are the only methods known to slow down the decay of body. As in case of any engine, the fuel. exhaust and lubrication are important for its long and trouble-free operation. Abusing the body with stress, smoking, improper diet, alcohol, etc. is the sure way to accelerate the body towards death Stopping The Ageing process
Scientists have observed the process of hibernation in many species of microbes, insects, frogs and snakes. They found that in extreme winters with sub-zero temperatures, all the body activities come to a standstill. They begin to thaw as temperature increases and the life oils with activities again. A similar logic is applied for humans. In some experiments, the persons in near death situations were persuaded to undergo the similar process of freezing. Their entire bloed was replaced with saline liquid and the entire body frozen in liquid nitrogen. Medical experts are hoping to infuse life back to such protected bodies some time in future when the reversal process will be perfected by them. No such resurrection is attempted so far, as the medicos are still not sure of the technique to permeate the life back. All they state that the frozen body is not dead and can be preserved for centuries. They hope, by that time the science will be so advanced that it would be in a position to re-infuse the blood and life back to the frozen body. Reversal of Ageing Process
With the advent of cloning, another possibility has arisen in the recent years That is to cultivate the different body parts of a human being in the laboratories and replace them in piace of the decayed ones. It is just like replacing a discharged battery of a car with the new one, or like replacing a worn out tyre. Very encouraging laboratory tests will make this fiction a reality is very near future.
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