3. Refinement of Psyche
Having discussed various physiological, psychological and spiritual aspects of human emotions like, anger, fear, desire etc., we conclude that our destructive and negative thoughts and emotions need to be reigned in. Immediate methods proposed by Mahapragya are – - strengthening of willpower and sex education. Ultimate method, according to him is the evolution of refined brain.
3.1. Willpower - Experiments with Emotion
Yoga practitioners have known the importance of will power for ages. They have established that humans can reap rich health benefits by directing their emotions and energy on various body chakras. Modern psychologists refer this technique as auto-suggestion. They have developed an autogenic treatment system. In this method the patient is induced to believe that he/she is free of the ailment.
3.2. Sex-Education and Self Discipline
Giving health its due importance, it is established that food and sex must be refined and restrained. Indiscriminate abuse of both leads to several diseases, some of which could be life threatening. Mahapragya insists that a proper sex education can help prevention, but self-discipline and restraint must be taught along with it. This will further reinforce the prevention and protection.
4. Evolution of Intellect and Proposed Structure of Refined Brain
According to the triune brain theory developed by Dr. Paul MacLean, Chief of Brain Evolution and Behaviour at the National Institutes of Health, humans have three brains, not just one. Throughout its evolution, the human brain has acquired three components that progressively appeared and became superimposed, just like in an archaeological site: the oldest, located underneath and to the back; the next one, resting on an intermediate position and the most recent, situated on top and to the front. They are, respectively:
1- The archipallium or primitive (reptilian) brain, comprising the structures of the brain stem - medulla, pons, cerebellum, mesencephalon, the oldest basal nuclei - the globus pallidus and the olfactory bulbs. It corresponds to the reptile brain, also called 'R-complex', by the famous neuroscientist Paul MacLean.
2- The paleopallium or intermediate (old mammalian) brain, comprising
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