2. The Three Dimensions of Preksha
(i) Yoga
(ii) Meditation
(iii) Therapy
Yoga and meditation have a long standing historical association. Both are processes of spiritual therapy, healing and cure. Human behaviour can be substantially modified by their practice. As on today, majority human ailments are neither physical nor mental, but are psychosomatic. These diseases of emotional origin can be cured by the practice of Preksha meditation. Mahapragya's confidence on the therapeutic values of Preksha emanate from the experimental facts of controlling anger, ego, lust and other emotions by it. Preksha awakens the mind, modifies the hormonal secretions and strengthens the virtuous emotions all of which jointly mitigate the psychosomatic disorders. To corroborate, Mahapragya organized several camps to propagate the technique of Preksha. Experiments on thousands of participants had substartiated that the confluence of medical science and spiritual practices can yield significant results.
2.1. Scientific Research
Though the feedback from those who practice yoga and meditation has been encouraging, yet the clinical results play an equally important role in establishing their efficacy. Doctors have found that the meditation reduces the demand of oxygen and amount of lactate in the blood thereby reducing the burden on heart by around 25 percent. In numerous medical research papers it was reported that the various meditative and yogic techniques enhance the alpha waves in the EEG, depicting the mental peace and tranquillity.
Enthused by these studies, Mahapragya adopted Preksha meditation for therapeutic applications. It was a new beginning and encouraging results were achieved in containing the diseases like, cardiovascular, hypertension, high blood-pressure, depression, stomach ailments etc. It is like a panacea in combating sexual disorders. Though there is no cure for dreaded disease like cancer, the suffering can be reduced substantially. 3. Sound Therapy
Sound plays an important role in the therapeutic applications of Preksha. The tranquilizing effect of mother's lullaby is very well known to all of us. A
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