Jain Agams, the dynamics of Karma attraction-repulsion has been described when a soul, in its process of liberation is elated to the thirteenth state (Gunsthan). As the soul is in its penultimate state of ecstasy, it cannot accumulate any more karmasomes (karmic pudgals), because it has to be fully free form karmas at the moment of salvation. In this state, the physical activities of the body attract the karmasomes, but the bond is so weak that it is broken instantly. Karmas decay as fast as they cumulate, so that the net result remains naught.
3.2. New Reasoning
In the Acharanga aphorism, it has been said -
Those who attract Karma; bind them.
Those who bind Karma: attract them.
• Those who do not attract Karma; do not bind them.
• Those who do not bind Karma: do not attract them.
This universe is completely filled with fine matter. According to science, there is no region of the space which may be empty. The gravitons and the photons are available at the most distant corners of the Universe. The network of the micro matter is extremely mysterious. Today, the science is engaged in the effort of knowing, both the micro and macro through the medium of mathematics. Every event of the past can stays for a long time in space by being changed into a micro-system. Hence the attempts to know the past are continuing. In this space, such micro-systems are available in abundance and are readily available top those who are capable to utilize them. According to Jain canon, there is no possibility of any new event which may not have occurred in the past. It seems thaun Jain literature the information available about the behaviour of the micro is consistent with the results of modern science. This is the extraordinary contribution of Jain philosophy that voluminous literature has been written on Karma theory.
4. Karma Transition
Alsdorf, the German Scholar, who has worked extensively on Jain scriptures had once commented that the Jain saints had written maximum volumes on Karmavad and Drishtivad. While Drishtivad, said to be the twelfth Agam, had lost in the oblivion of time. Karmavad s detailed studies are available.
Stating from its definition and arriving at its mechanism, we are now left to deal with the Karma management. Like in any journey, it is better to travel
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