described using simile (upama), such as - pallayopama, the sagaropama, the avasarpini, the utsarpini. They are employed in mentioning the longevity of bios in various life-forms. The simile measure of time has been further described later in this chapter. The periods of time, beyond measures have been treated in terms of the 'innumerate' and the 'infinite'. It is interesting to note that the numerical building blocks beyond eighty-four lacs have been obtained by multiplying the preceding number with 84 lacs, for example,
84 lacs years = 1 purvanga
84 lacs purvanga = 1 purva
84 lacs purva = 1 trutitanga
84 lacs chulika = 1 shirsaprahelikanga
84 lacs shirsaprahelikanga = 1 shirsaprahelika
The decimal system has been used in the arithmetic of the Vedic and the Jain Schools. Both are similar to a large extent, except for the fact that in Jain arith nietics the numbers beyond 84 lacs are derived by repeated multiplication of the number 8400000 (eighty-four lacs). That is, the further increment is not in units but en block by eighty-four lacs.
In this reference, the description of the number of hellish bios in the Sthananga-sutra is observable. Mahapragya had enough audacity to deliberate on this bitherto untouched topic. However, there are two lines of thoughts which have slight difference in their respective treatments. 1. Shvetambara tradition
Here, three technical terms have been mentioned, which need detailed discussions -
Avakatavya • Akati 1.1 The meaning of the word Kati is – how many? Here the numbers
starting from two and increasing up to the largest numerate are all
indicative of how many'. 1.2 The meaning of Akati is innumerate (finite, but uncountable) and infinite.
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