Technique University, some electrons were accelerated to such an extent that they detached from the parent atom permanently. These electrons were topographically photographed by Fucycle Laser. These photographs revealed the activities taking place in the time frame of one-hundredth of an 'ato-second'. This research has paved the way to manufacture highly accurate clocks. At present the accurate clocks are working at microwave frequencies, with the advent of ato-second phenomenon future clocks of extremely high accuracy and stability will work on optical frequencies obtained from lasers.
Again, the ancient Jain literature seems to be quite in consonance with the modern science. As mentioned earlier the Jains have stipulated one 'samay' as the time taken by the activities of massless sukshma pudgal. We have christened this unit as 'Timon'.
We shall now ponder upon the units of space. Up till now we have discovered that the particles and time-scales of micro and macro levels are different and the two can become mutually equivalent only by using the factor infinity. Can the space too, be described in micro and macro units? Jain Agams have explained the parmanu-samay-akash as interrelated entities and one can be defined with the help of another.
3. Aakash - Parmanu
After having known the units of the substance and time, parmanu and samay respectively, it is necessary to know the units of space. Is there any equivalence in the minima and maxima of pudgal, time and space respectively?
It is interesting to study the Jain canonical literature where the examples are given concerning the units of space.
It has been mentioned that a theoretical unit 'aakash-pradesh' is the space occupied by one parmanu (dion). It must be observed here that the dion is the smallest massless derivative of the pudgal.
A second mention of 'aakash-pradesh' which seems to be more practical is the space occupied by infinite parmanus bundled as a shukshma pudgal (quadon).
These two statements sound paradoxical and are being keenly examined by Mahapragya as follows:
"The two mentions of 'aakash-pradesh'actually differentiate the micro and the macro worlds. As the dion (parmanu) acquires practical utility only
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