The beginning of the studies of mathematics in India is regarded a thousand vears before Christian era. This was the period when the Jain knowledge prophesied by the Lord Parshwanath was flourishing. Jain arithmetic finds its parallels in Vedic mathematics. During Vedic period, the sacrificial altars were constructed in various safe geometrical shapes to confine the sacred fire. The shapes of the pits used to be in geometrical segments, e.g., triangle. quadrilateral, oval spherical, circular etc. This is indicative of rich wealth of geometric know ledge prevailing then.
Jain mathematics has been extensively used in the explanations and discussions on the six categories of matter existing in the Lok. Jain Arithmetic has two basic branches --
(i) Geometry Jains developed the basic geometry and used it to explain the shape and extent of the universe, its centre (ruchak-pradesh), heaven, hell, etc. Besides curved directions, Krishma-rajji (black-hole equivalents) etc. are also described using geometri. in Sthanung and Uttarudhavvan Sutra, five basic Shapes (scansthun) are described -
a. Sphere
b. Circle
c. Triangle
d. Quadrilateral
e. Rectangle
In Jain writings, the reference to triangular, rectangular and hexagonal 'carths are described in the deseriptions of Krishna-rajji. These shapes are described in detail in the relevant chapters of this book. However, it is necessary to mention here that the geometry of Vedic and Jain origins are quite similar and seem to have their genesis in the Indian mathematics.
(ii) Arithmetic -- In the chapters of time, speed, karma etc., basic mathematical quantities of numerate, innumerate and infinity find wide spread mention. With the help of quantitative analysis, Jains have calculated the distances, time, speed, life-span of animates, etc.
Units of measurement
In the studies of six basic mattereals of the universe in the Jain literature,
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