a shield of microwave radiation (which is beyond vision) is created around an object such that the light was prevented to fall upon it. The light now slips around this shield rendering the object invisible. We, therefore, derive that the refined Shukshma pudgals can be deployed both ways (i) to create visibly deceptive shapes and (ii) to shield object to render it invisible.
Though the Jains stress that a bio with such an enhanced knowledge is prudent enough not to use its capabilities as jugglery, however, sporadic references are available in the literature to suggest that a few Bhavitatma used this rare knowledge of morphology. In Sthanang-Sutra such super human bios are termed as 'Riddhiman'. In Suyogado, descriptions are available regarding bios capable of reading the thoughts of others. They are referred to as 'ShrutBhavitatma'. In Bhagwati-Sutra, various descriptions of Riddhi' (extraordinary capabilities) acquired by Bhavitatma are mentioned, however, such accomplished souls are invariably considered dispassionate and they seldom use their superior powers.
1.2. Bhavitatma and Space Travel
As the acquisition of knowledge becomes intense, a soul is adorned with the capability to utilise the Shukshma pudgals (micro particles) as per its desires. Its ability to refine the surrounding Shukshma pudgals and to deploy them as per its will results in an amazing capacity to undertake space travels by Bhavitatma. Those hermits, who practice right penance, are categorised as Vidyacharan and Janghacharan. Though both are competent to undertake space travel, their relative proficiencies are varied. For deities of heaven, such a capability is universal.
Vidyacharan Sadhu - Bhagwati-Sutra throws light on how such sages attain this capability? It is mentioned that the incessant recitation of holy sutras and alternate fasting for long periods of time, annul their 'knowledge obscuring karmas' and resultantly they are blessed with the art of space travel. The alternate fasting involves abstaining from food for two continuous days and then meals intake for a day. The speed of a Vidyacharan Sadhu is equivalent to the speed with which the heavenly deities travel the peripheral distance of around three lakh sixteen thousand yojans within a jiffy. The single leap at this speed carries a Vidyacharan to Manushotar Mountain. Second leap lands directly at Nandishwar Island. During the return journey, Manushotar Mountain is used as a stop over. Similarly, for the round trip to Meru Mountain, Nandanvan is used as a mid-way stepping stone.
Janghacharan Sadhu - Sages of this stature are seven times faster than
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