Scientific View
Modern physics has so far been able to demonstrate that only light has a motion which is beyond the laws of relativity. In the last chapter, we have stated that theoretically, only massless particles can achieve the speed of light. Physicists have conceptualised various such particles like gluon, graviton, photon etc. Devises like electronic microscopes, cathode-ray picture tubes have firmly established the presence of electrons. Similarly, nuclear reactors and study of stars have conclusively proved the presence of other atomic particles like neutrons and protons. However, mathematical derivation of massless particles has yet to become a physical and experimental reality. Though, in some sporadic experiments, scientists reported to have observed lasers moving faster than the light. A brief description of an interesting experiment is as follows -
Experiment: Physicists conducted an experiment in New Jersey, Princeton. In this, the laser beam was passed through the caesium vapour. They observed that the laser beams were emerging out even before entering the chamber. In common sense it means that the beams were travelling faster than the light. Though this experiment needs validation through the repetitive consistency, a hope exists in the scientific world to break the barrier of speed of light. Conclusion
Motion in Sukshma and Sthula worlds are different. Soul or any micro entity travels at infinite speed thus rendering the time involved as a redundant entity. Time actually reduces to a ‘moment'. In one moment of time, the micro entity can cover either a smallest distance from one space co-ordinate to the neighbouring one or can travel from one end to another end of the lok covering a distance of 14 rajju. Such examples are classified as exceptional and unique happenings which may be scientifically described as singularities. Asprashad Gati, as described in Jain Agams, if studied scientifically, can open up valuable lead to the scientists. Quark and other sub-atomic particles behave in a manner which is close to the characteristics of Sukshma Dravya mentioned extensively in the Jain literature. Science, hopefully, will unravel these secrets of Sukshma Dravya in the near future.
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