possible only if the length contracts or the time expands in the moving frame as compared to the stationary frame of reference. This is represented by two mathematical equations -
V1 - 22
Here, t= time measured in moving frame of reference, or coordinated time
T= time measured in stationary frame of reference, or proper time
v = relative velocity of two frames of reference
c= velocity of light Above equation represents time -dialation in moving frame.
Similarly, the length contraction can be represented as
In both the equations, the same happening is observed but the measurements of time and length are not absolute. In fact the observations will be drastically different if the relative velocity approaches the speed of light. It is 'space-time' which is invariant for both the observers. So relativity teaches us that don't take up to the fight if your results are not in sync with those of others - your frame of reference may be different!
3.3. Principle of Uncertainty
The uncertainty principle is one of the milestones of quantum mechanics and was propounded by Werner Heisenberg in 1927. In quantum physics, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle or the Heisenberg indeterminacy principle states that when measuring conjugate quantities,
ng the accuracy of the measurement of one quantity increases the uncertainty of the simultaneous measurement of the other quantity. The most familiar of these pairs is the position and momentum.
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