Soma Śrīdhara, Virabhadra and Yasa. The chief leader of friar was Dinna, while chief of nuns or mother superior was Puspacūlā. The principal man lay-votary was Suvrata while the corresponding position of the lady lay-follower was held by Sunandā."
Monastic Discipline Formulated by Parśva: At point of discussion in the dialogue between Keśī and Gautama is a clear pointer to the fact that, in Pārsva's Church, friars (munis) were allowed to wear garments. This is further supported by an end statement figuring after the dialogue between Pārsva's follower Kalasyavaiśyaputra and Arhat Vardhamana (as reported in the Vyakhyāprajñapati) when the former ultimately joins the order of Vardhamāna. It seems clear that in the church of Parsva friars did put on robe. Not only that, they did not remove their hair on the skullcap, and they used to clean teeth, did not sleep on floor (or ground). They, moreover, used footwear as well as an umbrella.
In Vardhamana's discipline these somewhat lenient practices were not permitted, and those who embrace his order had to accept a much sterner monastic conduct including the Pañca-mahāvrata vows. Pārsva's discipline being not so strict and rigorous came closer to the moderate asceticism of the Buddhists and to some
extent also to that of the existing Śvetambara sect.'
According to Isibhāsiyāim, Pārśva believed in gati or transmigration of soul, in the existence of Loka or cosmos, also he spoke about the five primary verities (Pañcāstikāyas), the eight kinds of karmas and their connection with the gati of soul, and the relationship of gravity on the gati or motion of matter. And already
Agamic Index, Vol.-I, pt.1, P-468
52 Uttaradhyayana-Chapter 23
53Cf. the Vyakhyāprajñapti, pt.1, Bombay 1974, P-67.24
*Isibhāsiyāim, English Trans. by Dr. Sagarmal Jain, Prakrit Bharati Academy, Jaipur
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