who was a prince of Rajagrah and a senior contemporary of Rāma, was as a real person as Rāma himself.
Dr. A.N. Upadhye opines that the details of Rşabhadeva given in Bhāgavata practically and fundamentally agrees with those recorded by Jaina tradition."
Dr. S. Radhakrishnan also affirms that "the Bhāgavata Purāņa endorse the view that Rşabha was the founder of Jainism.” The Yajurveda mentions the name of three Tīrthankaras- Rşabha, Ajitanātha and Aristanemi."
Rşabhadeva has given in the Jaina Purāņas i.e. Adipurāņa, the Harivassa Purāņa" etc. is quite similar to that of the Brāhmanic Purāņas.
Dr. Jyoti Prasad Jain writes that ‘along with the first Tīrthankara, other Ajitanātha, the second and Supārsvanātha, the seventh also got mentioned in Veda.40
II. (iv) 23rd Tirthankara Pārsvanātha
“Arhat Pārsva-Jina (Pārsvanātha), as per “Jina-caritra” of the Paryūsaņā-kalpa (c.A.D 503-516) had flourished 250 years before the nirvāṇa of Mahāvīra. His father was a king Aśvasena and mother queen Vāmādevī, in the city of Varanasi (Banaras). After spending 30 years as a layman, he led the life of an ascetic for 70 years and attained nirvāṇa on Mt. Sammeya (Sammeta Sikhara). According to Paryūṣaņākalpa (15a), “Bhagavāna (Arhat Pārsva) passed 83 day-nights in meditation on self on the way to
37Dr. Jyoti Prasad Jain, “Jainism the oldest living Religion”, p-26 38 Ibid, P-37, note no.4 "HarivaṁsaPurāna , VIII-55-104 40Dr. Jyoti Prasad Jain, "Jainism the oldest living Religion", p-26
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