period of six months and eight moments, from the entire universe, hence the reservoir souls of the universe never gets depleted. *
In Jainism the movement of the soul itself is fundamental to the operation of the rebirth process. The movement of soul is an inherent property of every soul. In its purest form this movement proceeds directly upwards, like a flame; hence the Siddha, free of all restraints, shoots like an arrow to the very top of the inhabited universe (Lokākāśa). When still under karmic influence, the soul will dart in similar manner to its next embodiment. In both cases, the speed involved is so great that according to the Jainas, the distance between any two points connectible by a straight line will be traversed in a single moment, and in certain circumstance rebirth will require as many as two to three moments. It is impo rtant to recognize here that karma is not in any sense considered to impel the soul; it functions, rather to channel or direct the motive force which is already present, much as a system of pipes might be used to "send” upwardly gushing water to a desired location.
The state, under which soul moves between two gross physical bodies, is called 'Vigraha-gati." But is not totally free of embodiment Jainas say that the transmigrating soul is said to be housed by a “karmic body' (kārmaņa-śarīra) as well as by a socalled luminous body (taijasa-śarīra).“- The former is composed of the sum total of one's karma at a given moment; the latter act as a substratum for this karmic matter during the 'Vigraha-gati and also functions to maintain body temperature during gross physical existence. Both of these invisible bodies are said to suffuse the gross and visible one during life; thus they not only ‘Convey' the soul from one birth state to the next but constitute a real physical link between these states as well.
4 Gommatasara, 196
Tattvārtha-sutra, II.26, Sarvärthasiddhi, II.25 44 Tattvārtha-sūtra, II.37 - 2.43, Sarvārthasiddhi, II.36 - 2.42
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