The auspicious volitions that are in the form of reduction and purification of passions reduce the delusory karma. This results in desirable conduct and the quality of righteousness in practice. This means that the right conduct is promoted, uncertainty gets reduced, certainty increases and equanimity is strengthened. Increase in certainty and strengthening of equanimity results in the increase and development of the quality of right vision, which results in the destruction cum subsidence of vision obscuring karma.
With the development of the quality of vision come the realisation of the elements and the rise of discretion, which in turn result in enhancement of knowledge or the destruction cum subsidence of knowledge obscuring karma. The development of the quality of vision also results in the increase in the power of self-realisation and this results in the destruction of inertness, which in turn, results in increased power to feel. The effect of painful feelings gets reduced and that of pleasurable feelings increases due to the strengthening of equanimity owing to auspicious volitions.
The quality of vision results in the development of self-realisation and the power of feeling becomes more acute, which results in the development and creation of the sensory organs of touch, taste, smell, sight and hearing. The bodily activities are also facilitated. This means that the auspicious types of physique making (nāma) karma are obtained. In other words, the auspicious volitions result in the physical development, as well.
The pure and auspicious volitions reduce the value and importance of the other (than the ‘self) and the value and importance of the 'self increase. This results in the feeling of high status (ucca gotra). The reason for this feeling is that when the ‘self' is evaluated in comparison with the other', the value lies in the other and the value of the ‘self' is reduced. This results in the feeling of inferiority, which is nothing but low status (nīca gotra). The purity of volition results in the reduction of the value of the 'other' and in the increase in the value of the ‘self', which is an indication of the high status or ucca gotra.
Positive Non-Violence
Jain Education International
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