Anekanta : Philosophy of co-existence
permanent from substantial point of view, temporary from modal point of view”. Naya, anekānta and syādvāda – all these three are useful in the field of metaphysics. Saptabhangî Existence has many modes. Three dimensions have been identified for determining the nature of each of these modes; existence, non-existence and inexpressibility. These three dimensions can express the nature of existence. For example, a due of two atoms has two aspects. It exists in its own nature, but it does not exist from the point of view of the nature of another entity. An example of atom in modern science may be given – The hydrogen atom consists of two particles – one electron and one proton. The electron has a negative charge and the proton a positive charge. The electron rotates in the circumference, while the proton is stationary in the nucleus. Thus both are opposite to each other. It can be said that the electron is real from the point of view of its own nature, but non-real from the point of view of the nature of proton. Here a doubt may be raised – when it is a commonplace knowledge that anything is not real from the point of view of opposite nature, why should it be propounded as a theory? For example, Dr. Daya Krishna has raised the question – “The negative characterization, however, is both too wide and too vacuous to be regarded as significant in terms of actual
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