stand point); that Naya, which takes cognizance of the actually present mode.
Śabda Naya
Those Nayas (non-absolustistic standpoints), in which the literal aspect is more significant than the aspect of meaning (or purport).
Samgarhanaya -
Etymological Naya (nonabsolutistic standpoint). That Naya, which makes difference even in the synonyms on the basis of differences in their etymological meanings. Synthetic Naya (non-absolutistic standpoint) - That view-point, which apprehends only the general (i.e. common character), (disregarding the specific one); By which one can attain the right perception free from doubt and perverseness. Empirical view-point - That viewpoint, which takes cognizance of the character of a real as it is understood by common people, e.g. the big black bee is black
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