Agurulaghukaguņa- One type of the Sāmānya Guņa
(generic quality); that quality or mode of a substance, which is responsible for keeping intact the
existence of the substance. Akāsastikāya- Extended existence quâ space -
That Dravya (substance), whose Lakşaņa (distinguishing characteristic) is to provide room to
all other substances. Anekānta -
Non- absolutist view - The approach which takes cognizance of both the identity and difference,that exist among the origination, cessation and
persistence. Arthakriyā
The potency inherent in the
substance for doing any work. Dharmāstikāya- Medium of motion - One of the six
fundamental Dravyas (substances) or five Astikāyas (extended substances); The substance, which is the unique inevitable medium of motion, passively assisting in the motion of the Jīvas (souls or living beings) and the pudgalas (physical substances), which are apt to undertake motion; it is only one
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