SUTRA 6 मतिश्रुतावघिमनः पर्ययकेवलानाम् ॥ ६ ॥ Matishrutavadhimanah paryaya kevalanam (6) Karma that obstructs access to the five channels of knowledge (jnana-varana) impedes - our sensory perception (mati) - our ability to gain knowledge from external sources (shruti) - our extra-sensory perception (clairvoyance, telepathy) (avadhi) - our direct perception of the consciousness of others (manah
paryaya) - omniscience (kevali jnana). (6)
Five channels give us access to knowledge. Each channel offers us knowledge of a different scope and character. - Sensory knowledge (mati) - arises when we perceive objects and events through our five senses and the mind. Sense-perception also includes the processing of the perceived information e.g. recognition, recollection, deduction etc.
Karma that obstructs the functioning of this channel influences the clarity with which our senses and our mind perceive and understand objects and events. It also interferes with our ability to recognize objects and events, with the precision of our memory
and with our capacity to learn from what we perceive. - Knowledge from external sources (sruti) - offers far broader and deeper insights than sense-perception (mati). It alerts us to experiences we otherwise would ignore; - it establishes a connection between new experiences and our existing concepts of life; - it offers us ways to select from the multitude of potential avenues the one optimal path that brings us nearer to the realization of the values and ideals we carry deep within us.
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