Rage (anger), arrogance (pride), the intention to deceive others and greed (addiction) can also trigger intense painful emotions. As long as we are unaware that these emotions also attract pain, we are in danger of unwittingly attaching pain-producing karma to our consciousness.
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भूतव्रत्यनुकम्पादानसरागसंयमादियोगः क्षान्तिः शौचमिति सद्यस्य ॥
Bhutavratyanukampa dana saragasamyamadiyogah kshantih shauchamiti sadvedyasya (12)
- Compassion for all living beings
- compassion for all who actively realize the Five Freedoms
- charity based on compassion
- self-control, even if it is not yet perfect
- equanimity at the activation of positive and negative karmas
- spiritual efforts, even if based on ineffective knowledge
meditation and intelligent behavior while we strive for freedom from all karmic limits
- forgiving (our own and others' mistakes)
- equanimity and
- freedom from greed (freedom from the compulsion to accumulate more and more possessions)
attracts karma that produces a positive (happy) feeling of life. (12)
Jain Education International
How do we achieve equanimity, compassion, self-control, forgiveness, freedom from greed etc. in a world that often propagates the exact opposite?
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