clarity and impact of the original concept of karma as the ancient Indian scripture of the Tattvarthasutra describes it.
This ancient Indian concept has no intention whatsoever to chain us to events of former incarnations as our vague Western understanding falsely assumes. And - in refreshing contrast to the 'enigmatic and rather inaccessible sub-conscience of psychology' - none of the karmic mechanisms contain any mystery or secrets.
The best key to the original concept of karma provides the word itself. 'Karma' means 'action' - and nothing other than 'action happening in the present'.
Yet by action - karma - the Tattvarthasutra means not only the movement of living beings or matter, but also some kind of 'interactive field' that all action creates inside and around living beings. This 'interactive field' is shaped by our intentions, motives, desires and the emotional content and 'drive' with which we conduct our individual actions.
The Tattvarthasutra explains how our activities influence this peculiar field and how in return this field influences us. It offers mechanisms how to control it and how to use it for our benefit.
The focus of karma on the actual present emphasizes that any 'karmic' effect our actions produce will not manifest in some fictitious, far-away future. The focus on the present means that each of our actions instantly and automatically 'updates' our individual karmic field so that we experience the karmic effects right in the immediate present and right along with our activities. This process can e.g. be felt as the opening or closing of potential paths. It offers or blocks alternatives we either perceive physically or sense intuitively on a subtle, yet recognizable level.
The Tattvarthasutra clarifies that our present interactive 'karmic field' always holds the entire actualized status of all our 'karma'. And it also states that the character and inclination of all our karma can be changed at any given moment and entirely at our own discretion.
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