thoroughly enough to consciously dissolve them. It is not possible to dissolve karma 'theoretically' without activating it first.
We experience this activation as an intense confrontation with our own prejudices, pride, skepticism, passionate negative emotions, laziness etc. when we face new ideas, opinions and situations. Our decision not to prolong these habitual attitudes of rejection now stops this karmic mechanism instead of reinforcing it - as it automatically happened ever before. Only a short time later the last remnants of our earlier limiting attitudes are gone, the boundary around our consciousness dissolves and we open ourselves for deeper, more expansive understanding.
Yet reconfiguring basic patterns of our consciousness is not as easy as it sounds. Old, familiar concepts, attitudes, prejudices, inertia etc. usually hold such intense power over us that it takes significant energy and willpower to change or deactivate them.
As soon as darshana accepts an object or event as viable, it is immediately followed by a more or less clear perception (avagraha) that brings it to the attention of our consciousness.
EXAMPLE: Seeing a white object in the distance we know it is white, but cannot determine yet what it is. 2 - Forming a first idea (iha) - Our desire to identify an apprehended object stimulates us to form a first idea of what we perceive.
In this stage we select single elements of our perception and group them in a first attempt to form a coherent whole.
The result is an unconfirmed, yet distinct idea that an object must be either this or that.
Our perception reaches this point only if we desire to ascertain what an object or event really is, i.e. if we direct some more or less conscious attention towards it.
EXAMPLE: Is this white object a swan or a flag?
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