range at this particular time. Clairvoyance also perceives events that will happen in the future or happened in the past.
We experience clairvoyance when we e.g. meet someone for the first time, but get a strong positive feeling of familiarity - usually accompanied by the impression that we already have known him or her all our life. In this case we either have intuitive insight into the positive energy that any future association with this person will bring us, or we perceive strong positive emotions generated in other realities that are not bound to the time and space of our current embodiment.
This type of insight certainly also informs us about negative associations, e.g. when - at the start of a new job - we are introduced to our colleagues and know instantly and intuitively which of them will cause us trouble in the future.
We experience clairvoyance when we sense with absolute certainty that a particular path of action will or will not yield the results we want.
Further examples of this ability are premonitions, experiences of 'Déjà vu', the certain, unquestionable knowledge that a particular event has happened though we did not receive news about it, or the sudden clear feeling that someone else will or will not meet success with a specific project.
Without training clairvoyance is far less precise than its potential permits. It is trained the same way as telepathy.
ESP, premonition, the sixth sense, 'Déjà vu' are different names for our ability to perceive knowledge beyond the reach of our senses (avadhi).
Everything we perceive through clairvoyance and telepathy may also contain error.32
32 this also is true for all knowledge we gain through our senses and
from external sources - see sutra 31
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