The primary purpose of this description is to make us aware of all mechanisms that govern our actions so can employ them consciously and efficiently.
Yet over and above that the sequence of the described mechanisms makes us recognize a far more fundamental dynamism that ultimately directs all our action towards a state where all our karmic obstructions are dispersed. - The mechanism that attracts karmic matter to our consciousness (asrava). These are the activities of our body, speech and mind. With our own actions, words and thoughts we attract non-living - karmic - matter (ajiva) to our consciousness (jiva).
This ability to attract karma is what enables us to experience the state of embodiment in the first place. The tendency of our consciousness to experience embodiment is one of the foundations of our life. As long as this tendency exists, we do have the right to influence this state in such a way that we can manifest the values, ideals, and concepts we feel deeply within us.
At the very heart of each of our ideals there always is a positive impulse. At our very core we never strive for destruction, but always for expansion, for ways to manifest the greatness we feel deep within us.
Yet all our ideals, values and intentions, - as high as they might be, - never justify all the means used for their achievement. Each single step towards an ideal needs to do full justice to its core. Each action that does not correspond to our original aspirations makes us deviate from the fundamental direction in which we move.
All obstacles, opposition and problems we encounter during the realization of our ideas, serve only to correct our flawed concepts of reality and to break up situations in which we got trapped. It is our own will and our own consciousness that causes both these - positive as well as negative - experiences.
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