by enlightening insights into levels of understanding that eluded us before.
Any problem that previously overwhelmed our emotions and our consciousness disappears. It became irrelevant the very moment we reached a higher level of comprehension. This new understanding separates us from our one-sided perspective that made the obstacle appear insurmountable before. Though none of the physical circumstances might have changed, our disposition is fundamentally altered. We are able to make out a path to' a solution; an emotional load falls off our heart and we start feeling the elation mentioned above. The more the intensity of the solved problem, the longer this elation may last.
Yet not only blockages or problems may trigger this kind of elated intuition. We also experience this thrilling orientation towards growth when we completed a particular theme of life and our vision becomes free to discover new fields. We experience this as an exited sense for future expansion and as the sure certainty that the new level will open up further elating insights. When we acquire knowledge that inspires us to orient towards growth (adhigama) we feel a similarly exhilarating effect. Attaining this type of insight is entirely different than the learning of formal contents we generally associate with the term 'acquisition of knowledge'.
When we read or hear descriptions how to expand our consciousness, we often break through to a dynamic understanding where our mind and feelings suddenly experience an intuitive re-arrangement of thoughts and emotions.
This may also happen while we are tutored by someone more advanced on this path. Sometimes their mere presence can cause this effect.
The crucial factor that brings about this experience is the intensity with which we search for this knowledge and how eager we are to understand it. The more ardently and consciously we strive for this
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