unsettling events, environments and emotions we experience in these lower stages.
Yet the more our understanding of the confused happenings around us grows, the more we feel loving compassion for all those who still experience this mixed up world without real orientation. The impulse to lead these others out of their daze is another characteristic of this first stage. . - Once we reach the second stage of samyag darshana, we step out of the narrow tunnel the physical reality had spun around our consciousness. Our orientation shifts from leaving confining emotional and material circumstances to attaining and experiencing the fantastic reality we now feel expanding within us.
Before us stretches the real vastness of our consciousness. We begin to sense its infinite promise and explore this potential with an assuredness never before experienced. At this very moment we realize that all events we ever confronted led us to exactly this exulted point. From here onwards we pursue our path in unshakable certainty that everything ever happening to us will only support the further unfoldment of our abilities.
This second type of samyag darshana arises from the tenth stage of development onward. Its unfoldment now is inspired by the ever increasing clarity of our consciousness only.
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