may explore them, understand them and use them for our further growth.
We experience this confidence when we e.g. feel the impulse for an endeavor, initiate the action that starts the project and then - once we have done everything within our power - leave it to the purpose of reality to 'produce the experiences we intend to receive. ·
Already now this confidence works exceptionally well on several levels of our life. For any bodily movement - e.g. to pull a book from a shelf - we only think that we want to hold the book in our hand, but never what muscles to contract, how to keep our balance etc. - When we e.g. go to an important meeting, we only have our objective (our intentions) in mind, but hardly ever think about what words to use. This confidence that works perfectly on many levels can easily be extended to all other areas of life.
Even if some of our ideas and impulses do not manifest exactly as imagined, it is especially these 'failed' undertakings that inform us - often in a highly instructive way - where our ideas do not agree with reality. This 'negative feed-back eventually produces a far clearer and more realistic perception how this world functions.
And even if much time passes between our initial activities and the moment we experience results, in the end it always becomes clear that the apparent 'delay' was absolutely necessary. How often do we first need to reach a certain maturity before becoming able to gain impartial insight into all consequences an endeavor of ours will produce.
Confidence in the purpose of reality is the fundamental conviction that the immense potential we feel within us will become real. It means to direct our attention towards the experience of more advanced states of consciousness - irrespective how fleeting they are initially - and then to actively bring about their unfoldment and stabilization. It means to consciously invest our energy into ventures that make us explore unknown areas of life. It means to trust fun
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