Also by Hermann Kuhn
Create Your Own Fate
KARMA - THE MECHANISM is the counterpart to 'THE KEY TO THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE '. It introduces the third part of the ancient Indian manuscript Tattvarthasutra Hermann Kuhn discovered 1978.
KARMA - THE MECHANISM shows how to practically apply the mechanisms of expansion introduced in this book. It demonstrates how to discover far more exciting dimensions of our life. With many practical examples.
There is nothing mystic about karma !
It's a simple mechanism of daily life we are all unaware of, but which nevertheless influences us strongly. Once we become aware how karma works, it opens new roads to success, happiness and an entirely new meaning to our life.
"An illuminating tool for personal and planetary transformation. The book offers us freedom from guilt, which does not exist in nature. A great work from a gifted teacher." - LITTLE LIGHTNING FLOWER EAGLE, SHAMAN
ISBN 3-9806211-4-6
242 pages, paperback
US$ 15.00
CROSSWIND PUBLISHING USA: P.O.Box 3312 • Incline Village • NV 89450
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